Big charity: build school for poor children.

To write an Answer that does not lean on faith and theology is not difficult though I doubt I will be able to produce more than three reasons, the most. In fact, with that foundation, I think one will only be possible and suffice. Here it is:

The ‘simple' reason is that humans are not an island; we were never meant to be alone. We are a community by definition. Humanity. We aren't all the same, we do not have everything we need at any given time, we all have flaws in our make up and the very fibre of our human condition means that we perform to our best with the support, encouragement and energy we, not only receive, but give to each other.

You will find that much of what we do, whether necessary or inconsequential, will lose its meaning and purpose once we isolate it from the ‘approval' and consumption of our fellow human. Even monks who pray, study and work in isolation will be motivated through the ‘ideal' or belief that what they do and how they live has a greater purpose: apart from giving glory to God and perfecting themselves, the value of their life resounds through time and space unconsciously impacting the greater world (and by world I mostly mean people) in which they exist.

If there has been any lesson learnt through the Covid pandemic (and I am sure there are more than a few!), then it is the fact that we all inarguably depend on each other, no matter how strong and resourceful we may think we are, like some invisible web. And if we do manage to detach ourselves from it then it is to our own peril, so it seems!

Therefore, it is “important and good” simply because it is fundamental to who we are as humans.

Goal: Tsh 261,346,000

Raised: Tsh 92,847,000



Tanzania Alliance for Disability Development Initiative (TADDI) is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious and Non-Governmental Organization. The organization...


  • +255 759 948 934
  • Kwimba, Mwanza-Tanzania